
Sunday, October 18, 2009

His Holy Name - word 20

Over on SCS there is a challenge running this year on the names and attributes of God - something that I am really enjoying.

This is my 20th scrapbook page for the challenge - Bread of Life.

This is way out of my usual 'style' - if I could be said to have a style.  The Angel Wings are from Layers of Color (Part of a Rak from Linda aka Lovely Linda on SCS), the stars are also from her.

The angel wings are mounted on dimensionals and I added some Kindy Glitz to them as well. The wee bow is in the ribbon that I have used on all the pages, as part of the giving some continuity to the book.

The stars are grouped in threes to reflect the Trinity, and I framed the page by sponging some ink around the edges.

I have so enjoyed these challenges and feel i have learnt so much from them.

Thank you for reading this - I am blessed when you leave comments :-)


  1. Maxine - I love this - I noticed the wings straight away - aren't they fabulous! I love this page and the scripture you have used. Beautifully done page Maxine. I am wondering if you used Distressed Stickles on the wings - very effective!! Thanks for sharing Maine - this is gorgeous!! God bless you my friend! {{{hugs}}}

  2. Lovely, Maxine! I like how you raised the wings up off the page as they cause a shadow, remind me of being in the shadow of the wings of God!

    Have a blessed day!


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Maxine D