
Friday, November 6, 2009

Another page done!

And I am 'caught up' on the challenge - just in time for the new post on Monday next.

This went together quite quickly after a few hiccups with the printer - basically the coloured ink has run out and what I had hoped would be gold printed purple!!  worth the try - I think.

This meant that I stamped the word peace using my Plain Jane alphabet and embossed it with gold - then cut that out with an oval Nestability, and mounted it on a layer of gold paper (that started life as a chocolate wrapper) also cut with an oval scalloped Nestability. 

The root word for Peace in Hebrew is shalam, which has developed into Shalom, thus I used that for my etiology.  The Scripture is from Romans 1:5 which so accurately spells out where we find our peace (that passes all understanding)

Thank  you for calling by - please leave me a comment and let me know you have visited.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous Maxine - I am so behind but hope to catch up in another week!! Love the scripture and the gold!! What a great attribute of God to study this week! Thanks for sharing! God bless you! {{{hugs}}}


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