
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Scripture Christmas Card

This card is literally a scripture card - the distressed paper is part of a page of the Gospel of Luke.  I found a second hand new testament in a local thrift shop and decided that I could use it for more than reading.....

The stamp is one of my original christmas stamps from Kiwistamping, a local firm.

The rectangle was cut, embossed and stencilled with a nestie rectangle - I used Whisper Ink - Mossy Stone.  I then crushed and generally distressed the scripture page and used some Tim Holtz distress Tea ink...When I attached it , I deliberately left it looking scrunched and dimensional.

The image was stamped in memento black ink and painted with Twinkling H2O's before being mounted on a slightly larger circle of gold paper.  I used dimensionals to lift the image.

The background paper was from a pack I bought at the Warehouse (equivelent to Micheals), and I sprayed that and the base card with LuminArte Shimmering Mist paints.  I was not worried about the slight blotching as that gave the impression of stars, always essential on a Christmas card :-).

I loved creating this card, and I hope you enjoy it too.  Thanks for leaving a comment to let me know you have visited - I am blessed by your calling in.


  1. Beautiful Maxine!!!
    You're right about the white spots on the background....they look just right! Great job!!!
    Blessings, Maria

  2. Hello Maxine - what a great card! I love that image and the DP!! It is perfect for Christmas....your scripture page looks great crushed...very effective!! I am really enjoying all of the different techniques you have been trying - way to go girl! Thanks for sharing Maxine - it is always a pleasure to come and see you! God bless you! {{{hugs}}}


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Maxine D