
Friday, January 22, 2010

Flowers this time :-)

Greetings all - the joys of being a world community of paper crafters is that we are all on different time zones, so I thought a salutation of good afternoon may not be appropriate for some. :-)  But you are all welcome here, no matter what the time is where you are.

This card started off some time ago as an experiment with the chalkboard technique - to stamp in white on a dark background, and then colour that image.  The image is from Stampin' Up's Baroque Motifs set.  I used the main flourish and the small flower.

After colouring it, the experiment sat on my desk for some months, but always begging to be used, so when I needed a card for a gardener, this jumped out and said 'use me'...... well, what else could I do?

The layout was a challenge that I saw on the Card Patterns blog, and I decided that it was ideal to use for this sample.  The base card matches the blue in the flowers, so I layered the brown floral piece onto white and then the blue base, added the white strips and popped on the blue rhinestones.  Hmm, the pattern now looked overwhelmed.  Ahh, inspiration, and small, gold rhinestones went into the centre of the flowers.  Volia!!  Quick and easy, and dare I say it, effective.

The most awkward part was the sentiment - I stamped it in blue and went to clear emboss it, but the powder did not adhere well......... out came the stamp-a-ma-jig and I over-stamped it in white, just off the original which gave a shadow effect - as though it was always supposed to be like that ;-).  Shhh, don't tell!

Thanks for calling by - I do love reading your comments, they really bless me.

1 comment:

  1. Another beautiful card, Maxine! :o) It makes me think of lovely old fashioned wallpaper, soft and elegant. Have loved looking through all your Feb/Jan entries.
    DIL :0)


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