
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Masculine motorbike...

Greetings to you all - I am flattered that you take the time to visit my ramblings. This is a short post as I have another one to put up shortly

I needed as masculine card and really did not have a lot of time, so I turned to my trusty motorbike stamp from Peacocks, stamping it onto a scrap of very dark blue card-stock and embossing it in silver.

The thing about starting a card like this and not planning it right through before you start is that you then hit 'roadblocks!!

Eventually I decided on the layer of silver textured 'stuff' that I had on hand - I cannot call it paper, and it is not a fabric either.  I bought it about 5 years ago in an art supply shop.  It is very shiney and the photograph does not do it justice.

The bright blue card was another small piece I had on had, and I stamped the sentiment in blue ink before clear embossing it, then mounted the image and trimmed to size.  When you have a bit of room to spare this can make life a lot easier than trying to line up the stamp under the previously mounted image.  To soften the edge I sponged it with the blue ink that I had used for the sentiment.

Placed this finished panel on the gray card-stock base, and decided that it was a bit bland, so hunted in my ribbon drawer to find something that could not be mistaken for feminine!!  I found this length of black chiffon that was way too wide, and if I was honest, too sheer, but that was all solved by placing it on the card folded in half!!

Hmm - still not happy with it... ah ha - the silver brads - now how to place them.... inspiration struck, the brads inserted and the card was finished and looking 'masculine'!!

Thanks for sharing my journey with me - and thank you so much for your comments - they are very much appreciated.

Have a blessed day!!

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