
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Black and Silver

Greetings again - it is always great to know you have visited.

I needed to make a quick card the other day to go with a gift that was very late in being posted!!  The gift was packaged in a wee black box, which I had tied a silver/white ribbon around, which is what inspired the colour choice for the card.

The base is black - from my stash of card-stock that I bought from a local printer. I found I had only a sliver of silver shim left, so halved it to create a border for the white pearlised card, which I embossed with the Textile Texture folder by Cuttlebug.

This photo gives some idea of the sheen on the card.

The Dragonfly is a digi stamp from Priscillastyles Store - I love it, and enjoy just how versatile digi's can be.  It was printed it twice and just the wings  layered to give added dimension after painting it with iridescent blue Twinkling H2O paint

Don't you just love the detail on these wings!!

The card was finished with the sentiment silver embossed and the clear rhinestones added.  I must confess that after all the photographs were taken, I added three tiny rhinestones to the body of the dragonfly.

I am very happy with this result - I never thought even a couple of years ago that I would ever make a black card, but things change!!

I have used this layout on several cards recently and love how versatile it is.

I am linking this too :

Thanks for calling.  May your day be blessed!!


  1. What a lovely gift card ! Fresh & Simple.

    Thank you for joining us over at digi's with attitude this week & we hope to see you again.


  2. Beautiful card Maxine, very elegant! Thanks for joining us at Digi's With Attitude! and good luck
    Claire xx

  3. Hello Maxine. Your card is delightful. Love the design and colour combination. The embossing is lovely, I like that folder too. It really shows off that beautiful dragonfly. Thank you for joining us at Tellens Place and good luck.
    Sandra xx

  4. Hello Maxine - this is so elegant!! I love the black and white with the embossing - divine! The Draginfly is a great touch - very pretty! Nice to see you creating again! {{{hugs}}}

  5. Hi Maxine, beautiful card it is so elegant!

    Thanks for joining us at Digi's With Attitude! for our Anything Goes Challenge! Hope to see you again next challenge!

    Digi's With Attitude! Design Team

  6. Great card, Maxine! The colors are wonderful! Thank you for sharing with us in our "Anything Goes" challenge at Digi's With Attitude!

  7. Love Love Love! Did I say I Love the card? Thanks for playing along over at Frosted Designs.

  8. Oh - I love it, and I'm sure Karen will also!

  9. Hi Maxine, this is really a "wow" card! Just beautiful!! Thanks so much for joining us over at the Tellen's Place embossing challenge. Good luck and I hope you will play with us again!
    Hugs, Sarah

  10. Great to see your work at Polka Doodles! Thanks for joining us and good luck!

    Saskia :)

  11. Yes I love the detail on the wings, it's a great digi stamp

    You have done a fantastic job of this card.

    Thank you for joining us this week at Frosted Designs


  12. Such a great embossing, Maxine! Thank you for joining Polka Doodles this week, hugs, Miria xx

  13. A lovely card thanks for playing at Tellens Place this week good luck luv Jane xxx

  14. Hi Maxine! Oh goodness this is so elegant and beautiful! I love the embossing and the black, silver, white combo... the the twinkling H2O on the dragonfly is gorgeous!!! I'd be happy with this too!!! Good to see you! Have a blessed week my friend!

  15. Yes, the detail on the wings is really nice! This is a great card; love the embossing! Thanks for playing along with us at Tellen's Place in our "Embossing" challenge. :~)

  16. This card is so beautiful and elegant! Totally love it! Best of luck and thank you so much for joining Frosted Designs Challenge this week!

  17. Love the simplicity and elegance of this card. The dragon fly is a wonderful touch.

  18. Beautiful! I love the dragonfly.
    Thanks for joining us at Polka Doodles.

  19. What a beautiful card! I love the embossed dragonfly! Thank you for playing along with the Simply Create challenge this week!

  20. Hi Maxine, Love the CAS look here. Great colour combo highlighting that fab embossing. Thankyou for sharing this at Tellen's Place and hope to see you back next time

  21. Lovely seeing it after your description, Maxine.

  22. What fabulous details! Thanks for joining us at Pixie Dust Studio this week!

  23. Lovely card, great colours, and beautiful dragonfly, glad you could join us at Polkadoodles this week. Good Luck! Colette xx

  24. Beautiful! Thanks for playing along at Simply Create this time - hope you can join us again!

  25. Really lovely project.
    Thanks for joining in with Polka Doodles No Printed Papers challenge and good luck.

  26. Wow, absolutely gorgeous, thanks so much for joining in our no backing papers challenge this week at Polkadoodles,


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Maxine D