
Friday, March 16, 2012

Pink Cottage Rose

A warm welcome to my visitors again.

I love this image of a Cottage Rose (a retired Layers of Color stamp) and took great delight in using it for this card.

Before I start, I would like to say that the camera has told lies - this card is actually a light purple, and the dark layer is a deep purple - you can just see the purple on the edge of the ribbon.  

The image was coloured using chalks, and partially cut out - I did not use the full image as it is  much larger than I wanted to use. 

The purple layer is mulberry paper with a gold thread through it - I chose to cut it, not tear it this time.

The pink rhinestones are grouped as they are as I was following a sketch, but did not get the card completed in time - again!  The sheer purple ribbon is absolutely stunning on this card, but I suspect you will have to take my word on that!

The butterflies were snaffled off/up-cycled from a card I had been given - I think they are sissix ones.  The rhinestones I added.

A quick photo of the inside - I don't often decorate the inside of my cards. Ironically the purple ink has shown true to colour here!

I am linking this to:

Thank you for visiting - may your day be blessed


  1. great card Maxine. Your rose is quite stunning and really dominates your card perfectly

  2. What a gorgeous card Maxine - I love the way you have coloured it and showcased it so beautifully! I actually saw this on Make it Monday, popped out at me! Thanks for sharing! {{{hugs}}}

  3. So very pretty Maxine! LOVE how the flower goes over the edge! Thanks so much for joining us at The Sisterhood ‘BIRTHDAY’ challenge and please come back again soon!
    one of the 'Sistahs'

  4. What a beautiful image- love the wonderful butterflies with gemstones- so pretty!

  5. Hi Maxine!
    Your rose card is gorgeous. I love how you coloured it. Super design.
    Hugs Maz

  6. Hi Maxine! This rose image is beautiful, and you have coloured it so well. Love the butterflies too. A lovely card!! Take care!

  7. This is lovely - thank you for joining us at Crafty Sentiments this week
    Love Jan

  8. Your rose is just beautiful!!!! Thanks for joining us at sweetstamps!!!!!

  9. wow what a beautiful image and you have coloured it perfectly, thanks for joining us at Crafty Sentiments this week

  10. Hi Maxine, thanks for noticing my golf cart. It is a total blast decorating it all up. It's well on it's way to not being the ugliest cart in the park.

  11. Pretty rose! Thanks for joining the Think Spring challenge and good luck!

  12. What a beautiful rose - and the butterflies are perfect =) Thanks for playing along with the Sisterhood for our Birthday challenge!

  13. ONe of my favorite LOC stamps!! Love how you colored it with chalk and decorated the inside of the card!

  14. Gorgeous card!,thanks for joining the LCI anything goes challenge. Remember to leave a comment on the LCI post today for a chance of winning one of the day's new release digis! hope to see you there,Julie.x

  15. I'm sorry I'm so late with my comment this week!
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful creation with the Ladybugs and I hope you will join us again soon
    Laurie x

  16. love how the rose pops out of the box...very striking image! :)


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Maxine D