
Monday, December 31, 2012

The year in Review

Welcome - I was going to do a new post, but instead have decided to review the year and post a card from each month!! 

This is my January choice - I had fun experimenting with this background and loved the outcome.

February was another card that had an experimental background that I chose.  Loved the way this one turned out!

In March there were fewer cards to choose from, but I really loved this one.

In April our Grandson was born, and this was my favourite card - made for my grand daughter's second birthday

May brought some more studio time, a slew of sympathy cards and my first successful paper piecing on a card.

For June I chose this bright card - simply because it is so cheerful - even more so in real life.

July I found hard to choose a card as there were several that I like, but this one with (retired) stamps from Layers of Color was the one I chose.

August I made this card for a dear friend

September I combined and digi image with digi paper and came up with this colourful card, and got it up before my computer died!

October was a month for numerous baby cards, this one being my favourite

In November my favourite was a commissioned card 

December saw me experimenting - this time with gesso and watercolours

I do hope you have enjoyed this review of my year - I do know that I have enjoyed reviewing my blog and selecting them.  There were many other cards made, some of which never made it to my blog, and some of which, to my embarrassment  I didn't even photograph before getting them away.  I blame that on being a senior blonde ....

Thank you for supporting me through out this past year, you visits and comments have been very much appreciated.

May your 2013 be one which brings much joy to you and yours.


  1. What a wonderful year in review Maxine - your cards are lovely and such a variety! God bless you and Kelson as 2013 comes - I pray it will be an amazing year - filled with everything you love and hold dear! {{{hugs}}}

  2. it's been a fabulous year Maxine. Love the cards you have highlighted. All the best for 2013

  3. So many beautiful cards through out the year, have a wonderful new year hugs Cathy

  4. Maxine, I loved seeing your projects and reading about your year in review!

  5. Oh Maxine, what a wonderful cache of card goodness!! This is just beautiful from start to finish! Since we had the blessing of meeting in the middle of this year, it's nice to see some of your work for the first time!

    Wishing you blessings this 2013 and may you have a fabulous new year ahead!

  6. ALL of these are so beautiful, Maxine!!! Love them and am really looking forward to seeing all your creations in the upcoming year!

  7. All Your cards are great...tfs. Also thank you for visiting my blog and leaving the nice comments. In regard to Christmas cards, My original plan was to make the cards all the same, but I ended up with all of them home made but all different, because I wanted to use up some of the supplies I had. Next year, I hope to make them all the same, I think it would definitely make it easier, and Maybe, just maybe that way I will get all my cards in the mail BEFORE Christmas...
    Happy New Year to you...Blessings, Jill

  8. You have already seen the New Year arrive, Maxine! Hope it's good to you and yours. Your Year in review is a lovely mix of creations. Thanks so much for all of your sweet comments this year!

  9. How fun and how beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us and for always being so encouraging! You are a blessing and a sweet gift from the Lord! Praying that 2013 bring you much joy, peace and increased love for the Lord! Blessings!

  10. How inspirational post. Your year's been quite creative!! Hope this one is as productive as the 2012.

    Happy new year, friend, and many blessings and hugs.

  11. These are all so pretty! Happy 2013!

  12. Maxine, love your year in review...what a fabulous idea. All your cards are beautiful but I think August is my fav. Wishing you God's peace and blessings in 2013.

  13. All wonderful cards... I love March, May, June and July the most.Beautiful! I miss LOC so very much in so many ways. But we sure have some beautiful stamp sets from them, don't we? <3

  14. A lovely review of your year in cards! I especially like January and July.
    I hope that 2013 brings many more beautiful card creating opportunities. :o)


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Maxine D