
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Grandma Lovin'


 I have been missing as I have been with family -
DD needed an extra pair of hands for a few days, so Grandma came to the rescue..... and so enjoyed the cuddles with young Asher, 13 months old

and in his All Blacks outfit (All Blacks being the New Zealand rugby team).

I also got some time with his big sister, Lydia (3 years old) reading....

Somehow I have also discovered I have grown a few more 'second generation blond' hairs... don't know when that happened, but these photos display them all too well....

Thanks for visiting - I will be back soon with some more cards. 


  1. And boy - are we all missing you now :-)!

    We ALL loved having you here, next time make sure Pop-Pop comes also!

  2. I thought I was the only one that had those "second generation blond hairs"! LOL!!! You look GREAT Maxine! Love to see you giving all those hugs and know you had so much fun on your visit!

  3. Awww....looking like one happy Grandma. :)

  4. What great photos Maxine - your Grandchildren are blessed to have you in their lives like this - Grandparents are very special people! {{{hugs}}}

  5. Those are sweet, sweet photos, Maxine! There is nothing like making memories with the grands!!

  6. grandma lovin' is soo important and special. Glad you had a great time with your family. Kate z

  7. gorgeous photos of you and the grandies...

  8. Nothing warms the heart than a hug from a toddler-enjoy while they are freely given lol

  9. What precious pictures of you and your grandchildren. Are you making a scrapbook for them of these wonderful monments? They would surely treasure it when they get older. :) Blessings!

  10. How wonderful Maxine! Looks like lots of lovin going on!!! Thanks so much for the prayers for my Dad!

  11. Ohhh pure sweetness!!!! What gorgeous pic, blessed indeed!!

  12. Awww...How sweet! great pics...thanks for sharing...

  13. Enjoy the family time, Maxine! They won't always be so willing to cuddle. LOL! I like that "second generation blond"... may have to use that next time I see my beautician.

  14. Grandma loving is what it's all about! I always say my grandchildren are my treasures on earth.

    hugs and blessings,


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