
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Update - Fledged!!


After several days of  chatting to the wee starling in the box, and it would sit there and chat back, this morning it fledged.

I saw it several times on the back lawn, and you could see it getting stronger and stronger with each attempt at flight, although its navigation needed quite a lot of improvement, even when I took this photo a few moments before he disappeared.

We have not see it since mid-morning, but are so glad that we got to see him fledge.

Thank you for your pleasure in these 'nature' posts
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  1. So sweet is God's nature and beauty. We have baby magpies that come to the front lawn and come up pretty close, have a drink then shoot off...they are so cute too.xx

  2. What a lovely post. How lucky you were that this starling would chat back to you, I can imagine the pleasure it gave to you and to DH. And to witness something like a fledging! Fascinating - so glad there were no predators about. Maybe this particular starling will come back to see you and even start his/her family in your box.
    We once had a blackbird visit us over and over again, year in and year out - we knew it was the same one because of his rogue feather. I was so upset when he didn't arrive one day but I think we now have some of his children as we have other blackbirds with rogue feathers, just not in the exact same sport as our original little man.
    Thank you so much for this wonderful post Maxine.
    Hugs, Neet xxx

  3. That's so sweet and heartwarming ! Nature is just GREAT!
    Thank you for sharing!

  4. Oh that's wonderful Maxine! It must have been such an amazing feeling to interact with these little ones. Animals and birds are so much smarter than we give them credit for! My chickadees and blue jays will sit on the railing and chirp or squawk so that I know they are there and ready for lunch. And I could swear that they even say thank you before they go!! Love it!! sending hugs :)

  5. That is so good news...Thank you for sharing x

  6. Oh how sweet. I did not know that was the term for the bird learning to fly. What a blessing that you all were able to share in its beginning life adventures. Hope that all things are in tune at your house! Hugs & Blessings. TFS

  7. Ohhhhh that is so nice!!! beautiful picture!
    xoxo Olga

  8. How cool! My cats would be pleased that the bird talked back to you. They talk to the birds when they see them but the birds never talk back. That's need to you got to see the starling fledge.

  9. How enthrallingbit must've been, Maxine...
    .... yes I talk to birds etc too and sometimes think they talk back like when I freshly clean the bird bath for them, it gives pleasure anyway.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  10. Hey Maxine! Hope you are doing well, have been catching up on commenting... have been pretty busy with office work. So glad you can chat to that cute birdie...Cya around! :)


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