
Monday, January 2, 2017

Year in Review


I got this over half done last night and then the computer ate it overnight!!

I published 133 blog posts last year, and I have tried to choose one card for each month, and have mentioned another if I was having difficulty choosing.  The main card is linked through the month heading if you wish to see the original post.

Closely followed by this seabird one.

I still love the Valentines card I made for DH

This was the start of numerous sympathy cards last year

Another card I loved in April was this fun Froggy one

This Sailing Sympathy is another card that I like from May.

This is another Sympathy card that I was pleased with.

Love this card, but the photos really don't do it justice.

I also enjoyed this rather fishy card.

Love this Butterfly card

Closely followed by this card, the result of crafting with my grand children.

Closely followed by this Stitched Sunflower card.

Closely followed by this Lighthouse card.

Thank you for sharing my year in review with me.

May your day be blessed.


  1. Wonderful selection Maxine, great to see how varied your style is too. Hard to pick a fav overall but perhaps May closely followed by March. 👍
    Thanks for sharing,
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  2. woooww beautiful selection Maxine
    and if you ask me which is my fav
    it is the BLOOM card the Sympathy one and the last photo with sentiment as BG
    they are simple and adorable and clever use the DIES
    Happy new year to you....and I am happy I did catch up all your post
    see you soon Maxine on my Blog
    hugs hugs

  3. Maxine, I don't know how you could possibly narrow it down to one card per month, because you are so creative and each card you make is a masterpiece. That being said, I do love your choices!

  4. Fantastic pieces - a great review Maxine!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Happy New Year to you !
    Looking forward to see many of your wonderful creations in 2017!

    oxo Susi

  5. Love this gorgeous display Maxine. They are all lovely....hugs to you.xx

  6. Such a beautiful collection of fabulous cards. I can see why you found it so hard to choose. Looking forward to admiring more of your beautiful creations in 2017 x

  7. Such wonderful cards Maxine! Love them all!

  8. Beautiful cards. Love them all, but I think I like the June sympathy card and the September Butterfly cards the best. You are an inspiration! Hugs.

  9. Awesome, every single one. I agree with Marilyn that the June sympathy card is perhaps my fav. (although I don't like the reason for it!) January's is also very memorable for the wonderful techniques you've done on it. Good choices, and with your beautiful cards, it must have made for some hard decisions to pick the best for each month! TFS & Hugs. Happy New Year too.

  10. Fab year in review Maxine! I know it is so hard to pick just one each month!!! Your cards and fun techniques are so fun to see- and inspiring too. Wishing you many blessings in 2017!!!

  11. Happy new year Maxine! All your cards are amazing but the first one from January is one of my favourites!
    May 2017 bring you and your loved ones Joy, Happiness, Good Health, Luck and Prosperity.
    Xoxo Olga

  12. awesome cards Maxine. Lovely see your favourites. Always so hard to choose.

  13. What a wonderful idea to do a years review of your work. Lovely to see which are your favourites and there are so many different styles that I would have had difficulty picking.
    Thinking of you and Lincoln and wishing you a Peaceful New Year.
    Neet xxx

  14. Love your year in review, Maxine! Each card is just a vision! I think I havent seen a few of these before so what a treat! Happy 2017!

  15. Not that easy....but great to see them again! Happy New Year and all the best for 2017!

  16. A lovely collection, you must be really pleased to see the variety of your work. CarolG

  17. What a great year in review!!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful creations! HAPPY 2017!!!!

  18. Hi Maxine,
    What a nice idea to review your cards... I think all of them are fantastic. It would be unfair to pick one or two.




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