
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Shady Trees?


Another fortnight has passed and it is time for the new Word Art Wednesday Challenge.

Our generous sponsor for this challenge is The Project Bin, who are offering the winner a $15 voucher to their store.

I love the scripture we have today - which is available as a freebie  here. 

I printed it onto pale blue vellum, and then clear embossed it

The trees are from the now reitred SU set Lovely as a Tree, and I stamped using first and second generation  impressions, masking as I went, and also spritzed it with water to get a slightly water coloured effect.
The sky was then added using LC brushes

This image is from my only set of Project Bin Stamps, and is called Feline Good.  I stamped the image with a dye ink, and then moved the colour with a wet paint brush.  It was cut  with the matching die.

Oops, looks as though he may have slurped his milk a bit quickly and messed his 'bib'!  I didn't see that until I looked at the photo close up :(

I tried to convey that the cat was sitting under the shade of the trees... 

I am linking this to:

The PB cat is over 2 yrs old, the SU set 15 yrs at least
Diagonal, btm left to top right  - Critter, Die cut, Sentiment


  1. What a delightful card Maxine. Lovely sentiment.

  2. A super card Maxine, such a fun cat.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  3. Words of strength and wisdom, love this Maxine and love your card.xx

  4. The sponsor the Project Bin has so many beautiful sentiments , words that have so much value . You have used a good one here and with those beautiful trees .Thanks for sharing your lovely card .

  5. Gorgeous! What a delightful card Maxine!
    Susi xxx

  6. I always like a tree or two Maxine and stamping the verse onto vellum gives a lovely soft look.

    B x

  7. Such a cute card, Maxine (I recognize that cat!). I'm glad TPB is sponsoring the challenge. Great company!

  8. Awesome card Maxine. I love the trees - one of my favorite stamps ever and the little cat. Precious!

  9. What a fabulous card Maxine and I love everything about it.
    I apologize for not popping in as often as I should and there's not really any excuses except I tend to be on Instagram a lot more than blogs. But, when I do swing by, it's always a feast for the eyes because you are so creative and innovative.

  10. I really like the perspective you've created with the generational stamping of Lovely as a Tree. The way you've spritzed them gives a very pretty effect. Thank you for joining in with us at Retro Rubber Challenge.

  11. That's one contented cat sitting under the shade of those wonderful trees. A beautiful card Maxine x.

  12. Maxine, you card is so wonderful, I just love the Cat image and beautiful scripture! Thank you so much for entering our ATG challenge at Arty Divas this week. Looking forward to seeing you again next challenge.

    Hugs, Zowie xx

    Arty Divas DT

    Crafts from the Fairy Den {My Blog}

  13. It's the FELINE GOOD kitty! How adorable, Maxine!I love him (her!) paired with your lovely as a tree and the beauriful verse - this is just so earthy and lovely! XX

  14. Haha Maxine re slurped milk 😁🤣😁😊
    Lovely verse on vellum.. note to self.. use vellum more (sigh, when time permits, craftroom withdrawals here, sooo busy, going to have to though, dates in earpy March NEED cards).
    That Lovely as a tree set think is their most long standing set, still available and I bought mine when SU only made wood mounts years ago! Beautifully stamped!
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  15. Lovely words and equally lovely script. And a freebie as well!
    I just love how you did the trees, it looks so good with second generation stamping but I never tried it with spritzing, would you mind if I copied that idea?
    Blessings, Neet xx

  16. I too, love this scripture and you have made it look so good on the vellum. It lets your beautiful sky show through. I also love your trees, smart of you to spritz them too to give a watercolor look. Love that! You cracked me up with your kitty as I had to go back and look at what you were talking about. lol Would have never noticed if you hadn't pointed it out. Love that he is sitting in the shade of those beautiful pine trees. Hugs, Brenda

  17. Thank you for joining us at the Crafty Sentiments Designs DT Maria

  18. Love the trees fading into the distance, and the vellum is brilliant. Carolg

  19. Such a cute project and just perfect for our great outdoors theme! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Shopping Our Stash!
    Chana Malkah, DT

  20. Aweee. . I just love the cute little kitty. You did a great job with the trees.

  21. Fantastic card! Thanks you for joining with us at Good luck with your entry
    Maritza DT

  22. A great card and I really love the trees :-) Thank you for purring along to play at SUYP Cats Challenges.
    IKE =^..^=

    My Challenge Blog
    My Shop
    My Blog
    FB Fan Page
    Cat Lovers Challenge Blog

  23. How fun is this card- and love your creativity! Love the sentiment on vellum and the scene is really pretty!!!

  24. Oh djee, almost a week ago that I had some time to make a round in blogland...Don't know why it always is so busy around the Carnaval here...
    Love the trees and their colours and the way you used the vellum for the text! Hugs, Gerrina

  25. What a sweet card, a lovely kitty. Thank you for sharing with us at The Cutie Pies. Sarah DT

  26. Lovely scene you have created and I always like to see HE on Vellum - Thanks for joining us at Retro Rubber this time. Claire DT

  27. Oh, I love this! A beautiful Psalm and a cat. Beautiful!

  28. Very nice card with a great Psalm. We appreciate you playing along with us at Retro Rubber for anything goes.

  29. Great scene to highlight this week's Scripture! Love the spritzed effect on the trees.


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Maxine D