
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Fluttering Bye


...and a very warm welcome to Verna of VA's Creative Clutter 
and Christine Kiehl.  If you have a blog, Christine, I would love to follow you.

I mentioned in my last post that was away due to the illness of a family member - unfortunately they passed away, and there has been a funeral to attend, and all the associated travelling.  

I made this card some time ago, and cannot remember which inks I used, sorry

My editing program is being a pain at the moment and it has had cut off the bottom of the card 😞
The mask I used is from STAMPlorations (it is linked directly)

I used some foil paper under the opposing corners of the butterfly panel to add interest

The sentiment (a magazine freebie) was white embossed on a snippet of  card sponged with the dark ink, and mounted over some more of the foil paper

I added three different colours of bling, white pearls, and clear and champagne rhinestones

I added a trimming of the focal panel to the inside.

I am linking this to:


  1. Sorry to hear about your loss. Lovely card. Love the colour of the ink blending.

  2. Such a pretty card Maxine, lovely colours.
    I'm sorry to hear your sad news.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  3. Maxine, your butterfly card is so pretty - love all of the gems!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of a family member.

    The card is so pretty and loving the blue background with the gorgeous butterflies!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  5. So sorry for your loss. Prayers will be offered. Your card is amazing. Just enough bling to make it stand out.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings,

  6. Sorry to hear about your relative Maxine. A very pretty Butterfly card.

    B x

  7. Sorry for your lost! Adorable card! Thank you for playing at Dragonfly Dreams Challenge!

  8. Maxine: (1) Sorry to hear that your relative has passed. May God give you and others comfort and peace. (2) Your card is beautifully made! So very well coordinated and balanced! The little bits of bling and thin accents of foil add just the right ratio of shine and glam to not overshadow the butterflies, sentiment, and pretty teals and blues. Lovely!!!

  9. I am sorry to hear about the loss in your family. I hope the travelling etc is uneventful, and all goes smoothly.
    Your card is very pretty. I love butterflies and they always work well on cards. The little pearls and gem stones just give it a little lift too. Kate x

  10. Lovely use of bling - not too much, just enough and very effective on those butterflies.
    A lovely card again Maxine.
    God Bless, Neet xx

  11. Maxine, Sorry for your loss. I pray you and yours receive blessings and peace in your remembrance of your loved one. Thank you for sharing your angelic flight of butterflies with us at Jan's Digi Blog Challenge. Join us again for a NEW challenge in September.
    (Owner & Illustrator of Jan's Digi Stamp Shop)

  12. Sorry to hear the sad news Maxine x. Great blending and a really beautiful card x.

  13. What a lovely card! I love the colors and that butterfly stencil is really pretty. Thanks for joining our challenge at Use Your Stuff and hope to see you again.
    Tammy DT Coordinator

  14. So beautiful. Thank you for joining us.
    Colouring in Scrapland DT

  15. Beautifully made - love the gems used on the butterflies' bodies.

    Thanks for sharing it with us at the Use Your Stuff Challenge.

    Helen x

  16. Maxine, this is beautiful! Thanks so much for joining us at Jan's Digi Stamps Challenges. Julie, DT member


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