
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Golden Flowers on a Grey Day


It's proving to be a very wet week here, so I chose to share some flowers today

I made this some time ago, and cannot recall the stamps I used, and I can't seem to find the set  either - oops!  I do know stamped them in London Fog and I took quite some time colouring them with my Polychromo pencils, and then fussy cutting them.

I then added some sparkle with kindyglitz

The sentiment panel was a 'pop out' from the same paper pack that the background came from, and I added some more Kindy Glitz to the edge of that

The card still looked rather 'blah', and I came across my some wee dragonflies I had punched out of gold card ages ago, added them, and I was a lot happier.

I stamped the inside with more of the floral images in London Fog ink.

I am linking this to:


  1. Hi Maxine, I think our recent wet weather system has crossed the 'ditch' we have had 522.2mm or about 20 inches of rain since the beginning of the month. Some Sydney siders are cleaning up after the 4th flood in two years. Love the floral card and the colours are pretty as is the Kindyglitz. Have a wonderful week... Megan

  2. I know us Brit's don't say this very often, but oh my do we need some of that rain, so very dry here and the crops and gardens are struggling.

    Your pretty golden flowers are so pretty and elegant Maxine.

    B x

  3. Me again Maxine, forgot to thank you for linking up at Allsorts.

    B x

  4. Gorgeous Maxine. We certainly had our fair share of wet wintery weather. Good time to stay tucked up inside crafting.

  5. These flowers look beautiful!
    And here it is the opposite as by you overthere; we are having a heatwave with 30 + degrees C! Hope you don't have to go out too much... Hugs, Gerrina

  6. A beautiful card in those lovely soft colours- fabulous pencil colouring. Thanks for joining us at Crafty Catz this week.

  7. Maxine, your card is so pretty - love the flowers and the sparkle.

  8. Very pretty and elegant card. Thanks so much for joining us at Allsorts challenge this week.
    Pauline xx

  9. Maxine: You've made another lovely card! The little dragonflies are a charming touch and give the card a bit of a garden scene, so great addition! Thank for sharing!

  10. Such lovely, graceful flower branches! I love how you used them inside too. The dragonflies and touches of Kindy Glitz are perfect accents.

  11. A pretty card Maxine, lovely flowers.
    We are in the middle of a heat wave here, we could do with some of your rain to cool things down a bit!
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  12. What a beautiful project! Thanks for joining a Polkadoodles challenge, Donna P (DT)

  13. Very pretty! Thank you for sharing with us at The PIP Challenge.

  14. Beautiful coloring on the flowers. Love the card.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  15. Lovely card and a great elegant design Maxine…….thanks so much for joining us on the Polkadoodles Wk 28 Digi Choosday challenge….

    Love and crafty hugs from

    Wendy (DT)

  16. I haven't called on you in awhile...this is so pretty and you have been busy... so cheerful-love grey, golds and yellows together!

  17. somehow posted for this one on the one now I will talk about the one above it. Again great colors, design and so pretty. Swap group will love it for sure! Also hope you are is hot here in SC, USA.

  18. Such a pretty delicate card and enhanced by the dragonflies you cut out. I love how you always carry the theme of the card through to somewhere else and make the inside as beautiful as the cover.
    Blessings, Neet xx


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