
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Way back when...............


Way back when, when we were very young (it now seems), we were wed  -  

and today we marked the 40th anniversary of that event - although the 'official' celebrations were held the other day.

And yesterday I made a card to give to my Sweetheart.

I started with the die cut heart and stamped and embossed the image.

The gold gelato was added with my finger while the panel was still in the die. The background panel was also coloured with gelatos, gold, and then lemon - the sparkle of the gold shows through both colours.  

I used one of my oldest stamps, so old the label has worn off it - I added the 40 with an embossing ink pen before I added the ep. 

I added the ribbon to both the front panel and the side of the longer back to the card - on this panel I added four gold heart brads to signify the four decades we have been married.
I added the sentiment using black ink as DH has severe macular degeneration and red on white is not a strong enough contrast for him to be able to read it easily.

I am linking this to:

Thank you for visiting - any comments you may leave are greatly appreciated.
May your day be blessed


  1. Congratulation on your anniversary Maxine. A beautiful card for your husband.

  2. Many blessings on your 40th anniversary, Maxine!! I'm sure that hubby loves this card! I like the 4 heart brads and kudos to you on the gelatos! The gold and yellow looks so nice together.

  3. Beautiful card! Love the red symbol of 40 years and the embossing. Congratulations! Thanks for joining the Dies R Us May Challenge, "Anything Goes".

  4. Lovely card and photos. Happy anniversary

  5. WOW Congratulations Maxine! That is awesome!! Love the card! Thanks so much for playing in our ‘ANYTHING GOES’ challenge at Dies R Us! Please come back again soon!

    Darlene (DRU Team Leader)

  6. Maxine, this is so beautiful and I know your husband is going to think so too. Lovely card and great use of the geletos!
    Happy, happy anniversary and loved the wonderful photos!!!!!

  7. Congrats to you and your hubby! Love to see the wedding pic- you are just Beautiful on your wedding day- and now still!!! Awesome card- love to see the way you highlighted the heart with your gold Gelato- awesome card!!!

  8. What a great image you chose for your card and congratulations on your anniversary.

    Thanks for taking part in Natalie and Amy's challenge this month.

    Emma x

  9. First off, congratulations on your 40th anniversary. You are a special couple to have weathered the time together. I wish both of you many more happy years. The card you created to celebrate the event is just beautiful.

  10. Congratulations what a huge milestone. hugs to you both

  11. What a lovely card! Thanks for participating in our "Anything Goes" Challenge!

  12. Congratulations, Maxine! Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos!! Your card for your sweetheart is divine! Hugs, Darnell

  13. Loved seeing something a bit more personal up here... esp love the photo of you and Dad!

    Hope you enjoyed the celebrations, albeit not turning out how we would have liked.

  14. What wonderful photos you enjoyed seeing them. Happy, Happy, Ruby, Anniversary to you.
    Your card for your hubby is just so perfect for your anniversary. Very nicely done!

  15. Maxine, Hearty congratulations on the occasion of celebrating your 40th year. The card is so sweet, I like embossing. The image is lovely and the color leads on to think of love. Thank you for sharing your wonderful art with us this week at Word Art Wednesday. Blessings, Carole

  16. Great anniversary card--know your husband loved it too--congratulations on 40 years together also! Thank you for entering our "Stack 'Um Up" Challenge at Simply Create Too & hope to see you next challenge too.

    DT Member

  17. Hi, A lovely card, love the pretty colours. Thank you for joining Crafts Galore Encore this month. Good luck and we hope to see you again soon.
    Hugs Erin DT x

  18. Congratulations on your 40th Anniversary - I am sure Kelson loved your card.God bless you my friend! {{{hugs}}}

  19. Very pretty & congratulations on your anniversary! Thanks for joining us at SACC this week. Good luck.
    Maureen DT

  20. Congratulations on the 40th anniversary! I love your card - it's perfect and I'm sure was gratefully received :-) Thank you so much for joining us over at Flat Friends, hope you have a lovely week, Em xx

  21. Great card love it!! Thanks for joining us over at One Crazy Stamper Good Luck!! Kerri DT..Happy Anniversary

  22. Lovely card Maxine, Happy anniversary! Thanks for joining us at Crafts 4 Eternity this week hugs x

  23. Beautiful card, love the colors and the layers!
    Thanks for joining us at Simply Create Too!
    ♥ Sandra ♥

  24. Wow, 40 years. Happy Anniversary. Your card is wonderful - love the gold and red.

  25. adorable! Thanks for playing with us at RRR


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Maxine D