
Sunday, May 29, 2022

More Vellum...


With this card I showed my friend how to attach vellum between layers...

I started by brushing three inks onto a piece of white card -  Forget-Me-Not by Lawn Fawn is the blue at the base, and the top colour was Orange by Memento, but as this was made some weeks ago while I was staying with her, I cannot recall the names of the other inks

We then used some 'worker ' stamps from Aall and Create and some stencils, to create the final background

The poppy from Darkroom Door was embossed in gold, as was the sentiment, from the same set as the flower, only this time onto the vellum.


  1. That is a great way to use the vellum! Hope you have a good weekend!

  2. Great card Maxine. I always forget to use vellum and it is such a pretty addition to a card.

  3. lovely work and thanks for sharing at Crafty catz

  4. Maxine, this is so pretty. You've included so many amazing details to the design/card!

  5. Vellum is so great for sentiments! Beautiful card 🥰

  6. Such a pretty card and featuring my favourite flower, the poppy. The addition of the vellum with the sentiment embossed on it really does add the wow factor to this card. Love the background you have built up with stamps.
    Blessings, Neet xx


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Maxine D