
Monday, September 26, 2022

White Anniversary


I did intend being back before this, but life, and my health, conspired against me.
I am finally back home, and starting to look forward to crafting again - thankfully I had worked ahead and had all but one of my September cards made (but not sent), so I am only a wee bit behind... 
I was able to hand deliver this one, so the recipients received it on time 😊

It really is a snippets card, as the textured front was sitting on my desk with the heart die cut out, so I simply put the last snippet of the card with the gold chocolate wrapper glued to it behind the aperture.

The sentiment is a very old (read discontinued) stamp - it was stamped in purple 
(C.P. Queen for a Day ink) on an hand cut banner,
and mounted  over a snippet of the gold paper that I used to layer the textured panel over.
The base of the card is purple.

I used more snippets of the gold and the textured panel on the inside of the card, and  cut a fishtail to the ends of them to match the sentiment panel

I am linking this to:


  1. So very elegant Maxine, working ahead does have it's benefits, I've always called it my 'just in case' plan.

    B x

  2. Love all the textures that you used; they look elegant together!
    Glad you are back home and hope you are well and can enjoy being back! Sending some positive energy your way... Hugs, Gerrina

  3. A lovely anniversary card and the embossing and the gold heart really make it special.

    Thanks for submitting your homework to the Snippets Playground. I'm making a big batch of hot chocolate up in the Treehouse! xxx

  4. Beautifully designed anniversary card, a lovely embossed background to showcase the gold heart-and clever recycling too.
    Thanks for joining in at Crafty Cal,endar this month.

  5. Great use of snippets and a lovely and beautiful card! So pretty.

  6. What a beautiful Anniversary card Maxine! I hope your health has improved ... been a bad health spring/summer for me too ... kind of sick of being sick! LOL Anyways ... Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Can You Handle the Pressure challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often. We appreciate your support!

    Can You Handle the Pressure

    P.S. If I hadn’t already mentioned it, just wanted to let you know that we have another new challenge blog. This time it’s all about using your STENCILS. I hope you’ll come check us out and play along at Crazy is our fame – STENCILS are our game (aka STENCIL FUN CHALLENGE. The fun begins OCTOBER 4th … Hope to see you there!

  7. Maxine, I'm glad you're home again! I assume that means you're getting better.

    Your card is so pretty. Love that embossing... the recipient will be delighted to get this card!

  8. Great texture and elegant design, Maxine. Glad you are home and doing well! Thank you for sharing with Word Art Wednesday this week.

  9. What a lovely anniversary card! The embossing in the background is so elegant!

  10. so pretty Maxine. Glad you are getting better and are back home crafting.

  11. Simple elegance is perfect. That shiny gold heart is perfect for this card.

    Hugs and Blessings

  12. That's lovely, great use of the chocolate wrapper! Thanks for joining us at Can You Handle the Pressure!

  13. Glad to hear you are home again. Hope the health problems are finished with now, and you can enjoy your crafting again :) xx

  14. Hi Maxine, a wonderful card for an Anniversary, love the embossed panel and the heart. Thank you for joining us at Lil Patch of Crafty Friends and good luck in the prize draw... Megan DT LPoCF

  15. Very stylish card Maxine! It's classy and just so right!


    Di xx

  16. I hope you start feeling more like yourself soon Maxine. It has taken it out of you and will be a slow journey back to full health so be gentle with yourself please.
    Love the card, how wonderful that the bits and pieces you had all went together so well. I love the gold on the white and the touch of colour in the sentiment.
    Take care, God Bless
    Neet xx

  17. Oh that is so elegant! Love all the texture and the beautiful pops of gold. Fabulous. Hugs, Wends xoxo

  18. Great card- wonderful texture and love the image you added too!

  19. What a lovely card Maxine! Welcome back! Here's hoping you're soon fighting fit once again.


    Di xxx


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Maxine D