
Saturday, April 22, 2023

A Mini-Moo


It was my turn to set the challenge this month in our swap group - and I chose as the challenge 
A CAS card with a mini-moo.
I had never heard of it until a few days before, when I read about it on SCS .  
Here is the definition of a mini moo: 
A mini moo is a card that is 1.125" X 2.75" - half of a business card lengthwise. 
This size is great for using up scraps

I started with a scrap of copy paper that I had used as a mask when spraying a background, and trimmed it to size.  I then stamped it with a wee floral sprig - it is one of my oldest wood mounted stamps with no brand on it.  I used Versa Clair Pine Cone brown ink, and painted it with mice based paints

The panel was edged with Aquatini ink and mounted over  cardboard for some dimension.
I centred the words below it and stamped in Aquatini ink, before edging the card with it also.

The spray was stamped inside the card, also using the brown ink,

 I also repeat stamped the image down the side of the envelope.

I am linking this to:


  1. That's a new one to me as well Maxine but what a super CAS card it has made.

    B x

  2. Very cute card. I love the idea of a mini card. Thanks for sharing with us at PIP Challenges.

  3. When I saw mini moo I kept thinking I was going to see a small cow! LOL! I love this though!!! So cute being so small and yet so beautiful too. Love it!

  4. Very sweet CAS design, Maxine. I learned something new today! A mini moo... fun size and great for scraps. Thanks for sharing at Word Art Wednesday this week. Take Care!

  5. I read about the mini moo cards just last day, never seen before. Great way to use scraps!! :) You have incorporated so well that piece of copy paper in your CAS!

  6. Wow Maxine what a wonderful technique. I had never heard of it but I am definitely going to try it. You did an outstanding with the card and the technique. Great card.

  7. Delightful Maxine. It was a fun challenge.

  8. A lovely CAS card, love the colouring. Thank you for
    joining us at Pattie's Creations Design Challenge.

  9. What a nice card! It goes perfectly with our theme for this month “Anything Goes”. I love your coloring too. Thanks for joining us at Pattie’s Creations Design Challenge.
    Artist & Owner

  10. What a beautiful CAS design. Never heard of a mini-moo before! I leave enlightened!! Hehe. Hope you've had a lovely Easter and keeping well. Hugs, Wends xoxo

  11. What a perfect little CAS card, love the shine too xx

  12. Maxine, this card is a true beauty. You've mastered the CAS look, for sure!

  13. So SO, pretty Maxine, what a gorgeous background to your lovely flowers. Beautiful insert and envelope too.
    Faith x

  14. I've never heard of Minimoo's, but I like them!! Makes a beautiful CAS card! Thanks for sharing at LIM!

  15. I love CAS. Don't often do it, but i do like it. It's the clean look it gives I think that appeals to me and this milni moo of yours placed on a card like this is just perfect.
    I love the choice of design you chose for the image, so pretty and perfect.
    Blessings, Neet xx

  16. Lovely card, with great combination of textures and finishes. I've been using MiniMoos ( as business cards for ages due to their unique size. Now I know what to do with out of date ones :)
    Thanks for joining us at Less is More.


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Maxine D