
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mid Century Modern Masculine


I had a 'play' last week with some stamps and a stencil from Uniko - kindly provided by Bev as a prize last year... then I loved the releases so much I bought the stencil... 

The stencil is the Mod Background Builder, and the stamps are from the Mid Century Modern Frames set

It is quite a simple card, and inspired by how Bev, the owner of Uniko used the stencil recently here for a masculine card, which is what I needed to make...

First I sorted out the general plan for my card, then stamped the sentiment panel using Versafine Clair  Pinecone ink,  clear embossed it, then masked it 

I chose to use three inks on my stencil for an ombre effect.
Memento Cottage Ivy, Bamboos leaves and New Sprout

The dots are simply punch outs from a deep green card.
The card base is kraft card, and the edges of the feature panel were inked in the Bamboo Leaves ink

I repeated the dots on the liner of the card, and the stencilling on the envelope.

I am linking this to:


brenda said...

That stencil has a lovely retro feel to it and the sentiment shape compliments well, many thanks for sharing at Allsorts and following the masculine option.

B x

Jeanette (Forest Ranger) said...

Maxine, I'm always in awe of your talent, but I must say this is one of my most favorite cards you've made. WOW! It is simply amazing!

Irish Cherokee said...

Simplicity often the perfect way to go. This is stunning in it's simple design. I agree with Jeanette. This one of my favorites. The color and design are right on.

Hugs and Blessings

Liz said...

Beautiful CAS card, Maxine. I love the stencilling. Thank you for joining in the Allsorts Challenge this week using the Masculine option.
Liz xx

HilaryJane said...

Love this one Maxine. Such lovely shades of green and great use of that Uniko stencil. It has been on my wishlist for a while xx

Glennis F said...

Love this design Maxine and the colours you chose

Julie said...

Another lovely card Maxine - I could see this one used for either a male or a female birthday. Love the slightly retro vibe it has. 💚 Enjoy your weekend Maxine xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Excellent work Maxine love how you've cleverly used the mask, colouring and greeting stamp very skilled design. Must use my stencils more!
Praying for you 🙏
Shaz in Oz.x ❤️

Dawn T said...

Delightful Maxine. Love the stencil and the label is awesome.

Ellibelle said...

A really great masculine design Maxine. Love how it turned out. Thanks so muhc for sharing at I spy with my little eye!

Wendy Nicola Jackson said...

Ooh that is lovely! Very mid-century and love the green! Fab card. Hugs, Wends xoxo

Mariann Jakobsen said...

This is so stunning and elegant, with a retro feeling! The green color is also perfect! I do LOVE this!!

Hetty said...

Love your card, super background!

Sue said...

Lovely shading on your stencilling, Maxine. A great design for a man's card.