I know I have been pretty quiet on this blog for some months now - some of it was due to my own health issues, then my daughter's issues, which included a one sided mastectomy.
This week we got the best news ever - and I am going to quote what my daughter posted on social media - with her permission
It has taken me a little while to process this... and figure out what I am going to say, or even how I am going to explain it.
Yesterday I was given the best Christmas present EVER!
went back to Waikato Hospital to have my wound checked, take my drain out and get my results. Everything happened as expected, except my results - they're better than I could have ever dreamed of.
I went into surgery believing I had Invasive Lobular Carcinoma, and it was a 4.2cm by 2.4cm by 1.7cm tumour, with the possibility of lymph node involvement.
Preliminary results were that there is no lymph node involvement, which was a huge relief but not the end of it.
So yesterday when my surgeon sat me down I was blown away - not only is there no lymph node involvement, there is also no blood vessel involvement. The 4.2cm cancer had shrunk to 2.5cm, and the Invasive Lobular Carcinoma had been misdiagnosed, and was actually Invasive Ductal Carcinoma...
All the cancer has been removed, I don't require any further treatment - NO chemo, NO radiation and only hormone blockers required. No further cancer cells in my body

Two things stand out here:
The size of the cancer - I have the MRI report describing the size and where it is.
The apparent misdiagnosis - Lobular is a lesser known cancer (only about 10% of breast cancer diagnosis), is unpredictable and the future prognosis is not great. Ductal, however, makes up 80% of diagnosis, they know much more about it, and it is 100% curable if caught early like mine. These guys are cancer specialists, they have diagnosed literally 100's of ladies between them - they don't make mistakes.
I don't say much about my personal beliefs on here - but this is an exception. I believe, 100%, that God intervened... He shrunk the tumour and changed the diagnosis - He promised me a future and a hope. I am a living, breathing, walking miracle.
To those who knew - thank you for all your support over the past three or four months - it's been quite a journey