
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Oops Over, Now a Big Announcement...


My computer is now up and running smoothly again - thankfully,
but in the meantime I have come to the conclusion that I am going to take a break from blogging,
 and visiting blogs.

I has become very time consuming, and almost all my evenings are being spent on the computer.  Should I go out, I then feel stressed in trying to 'catch up'.

On top of that I have come to the conclusion that  age is slowing me down, So not impressed, but to be able to cope something has to give, and it's not going to be me in the middle.

I will still be cardmaking, and will share them on Instagram, under Kiwimeskreations, 
should I remember.  

I also want to pursue some other crafts that I 'do', namely my embroidery and lacemaking, as well as gardening etc.

I will review my decision in a few months and decide then if I will return, and if so, how.

Thank you all for all your wonderful support and friendships over the years


Glennis F said...

Sorry to hear this Maxine, you will be missed

Dawn T said...

Enjoy your break... I sometimes feel the same - most nights sitting on the couch commenting - sometimes not even finding time to create. I hope you are still going to be involved in our little swap group!

Gerrina said...

I now it costs time, but it is so appreciated! On Insta mostly you only see the finished project, not what has been used... So less inspiring... I'm curious what your revieuw will be... Hugs, Gerrina (who only sleeps 6 hours, so has some tine to spare for comments :) )

brenda said...

These decisions are tough Maxine and balancing everything has to include reality and acceptance that we do slow down like it or not, that's the hard bit! Enjoy you break and really do hope we will see you back.

B x

Cynthia said...

I completely understand, Maxine. Thank you so much for you encouraging blog comments over the years. I appreciate the update! Take care of yourself. I will watch for your crafty posts on IG. :)

Darnell said...

I totally understand, Maxine, especially the slowing down part. It started for me when I turned 70 and it's a real thing. You don't "feel" like you are going slower, but somehow the day goes by and you haven't accomplished what you used to accomplish the year before. It's just the way it is and eventually new prioritizing has to happen, so you are doing what brings you joy. I will miss you. Stay well and I hope we can keep in touch via email now and then. Mwah! Hugs, Darnell

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

I know what you mean Maxine, I hope you'll be able to visit your blog occasionally, for us to see all of your crafting. Take care. Hugs x

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that Maxine, you'll be missed. I do understand though, I've taken to blogging every few months and commenting occasionally. Maybe you should pray about that
Praying for you. Don't do instagram, sorry nor FB.
Shaz in

HilaryJane said...

I completely understand how you feel Maxine as I periodically struggle with the same issues. You have to do what is right for you, but we will miss you. I shall try and spot you on instagram, but that is another thing too! Good luck and enjoy life at your own pace xx

At Home In New Zealand said...

I think you are making a wise decision Maxine. You totally describe how I was feeling this time last year, and it is so draining. Now I only post when I feel like it and not worry if I don't, and read less blogs than I used to (and comment on less than that) and not worry if I don't keep up. There is more to life than feeling glued to a jolly computer, and as we grow older we need to set priorities for our own health and happiness. Mxx